
Who's Mufotsuki?

Mufotsuki is who I consider to be the "main version" of my character in Sky and how I would regularly depict myself in Sky-related art. In a lore sense Mufotsuki is the one taking all of these photographs, save for the ones sent in by other sky kids.

If you want to read more about Mufotsuki as a character, click here!

The Webmaster

The webmaster of this site is a little guy named Pepyo. I started playing Sky since June 2022 and have been playing regularly since then. My inspiration for making this site are all of the Sky photos I have saved on my phone. I love them all, however it kinda saddened me to know I'd be the only pair of eyes looking at them. By making this site, I'd be getting these photos into the world, as well as perhaps encouraging some sort of community by letting people submit their Sky photos.

If you'd like to know more about me and what other things I'm doing, click here!

Why the Watermarks?

About every photograph on this site is watermarked. This serves less as a claim to ownership and more as a reminder of where the image comes from and where people can find more. With this in mind, I try to keep the watermarks pretty discrete so others can use them in their projects.

You do not need my permission to use the photos on this site, and if you want a watermark-less version of a photo, you can contact me at solarizon-raven@proton.me.